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The Rock Bed

This low-flow rock bottom creek is located just south of Gower, MO. It is off the beaten path and is a fun adventure!

Sunflower Fields

The Sunflower Fields are usually in bloom during late Summer and last only a couple weeks. This location is 1 mile outside of Stewartsville, MO.

Sunset Road

This road is just west of Stewartsville, MO and is a great place to wrap up your session. It is known for it's sunset views and that free-spirit vibe.

Tree Covered Lane

This lane is a few miles SW of Stewartsville, MO and is a great location to visit on the way to other locations. 

Barn On Hickory

This barn is located just west of Stewartsville, MO and is a fun place to visit. It is on the same grounds as the sunflower fields.